3 FAQs About Prosthetic Eyes

15 November 2017
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If your doctor has suggested removing a damaged or diseased eye, you have options to regain your original appearance. While you can't see through it, a prosthetic eye is a great option to consider. If you aren't sure about a prosthetic eye yet, check out these frequently asked questions. Why Is a Fake Eye Important? A fake eye is particularly important for those feeling self-conscious about having a missing eye because a good prosthetic eye looks realistic. Read More 

How A New Pair Of Glasses Can Help You Sleep At Night

4 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have trouble sleeping at night, you're not alone. It's estimated that at least 60 million people in the United States have difficulty sleeping at night. While there are many potential causes, one common issue is the use of blue light during the hours before sleep. You may be exposed to blue light and not even know it. Thankfully, a new pair of glasses can help. Why Electronics Are So Bad For Sleep Read More 

Diagnosed With Coats Disease? Here Are The Basics

6 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been dealing with white reflections in your visual field for some time, you may be a bit relieved to finally have a diagnosis. But still, being told you have a rare condition called Coats Disease can be overwhelming. You're sure to have a few questions on your mind. Seek comfort in these answers. Why are you developing this condition? Many people blame themselves when they are first diagnosed with Coats Disease. Read More 

4 Fast Facts About Lasik Vision Correction

5 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The ability to see in a clear, concise manner is something you should never take for granted. Not only is vision important for reading, writing, and completing simple mundane tasks, but it is also necessary for making memories that will last for years to come. Wearing prescription glasses or contacts is a great option for restoring your vision. However, laser vision correction is a more convenient and permanent treatment. Considering 8 out of 10 patients no longer need to wear corrective lenses after Lasik, undergoing the procedure may be the ideal solution for you. Read More 

Why Getting Glasses And Contacts Is A Good Idea

15 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have found out that you need to wear corrective lenses, then you may be wondering whether you should go with glasses or contact lenses. The answer is that you may want to consider going with both forms of corrective lenses. They each come with their own list of benefits to offer, and having the option of wearing either one will be very convenient at times. Learn about the benefit of having both glasses and contacts by reading the information offered to you here: Read More